COOKIES ON v-Consult

This cookies policy relates to the service provided by Capri Healthcare, giving you access to v-Consult services through our national digital channels. You can access v-Consult services via the NHS App. You can also access the same services by logging in through the v-Consult website in a web browser. This cookies policy covers both of those channels.

Capri Healthcare ("we" or "us") uses cookies to deliver v-Consult and access to its services.

The information set out in this policy is provided in addition to the v-Consult privacy policy and should be read alongside it.

We put small files called cookies on your device (for example, your phone).

Cookies are widely used to make websites and apps work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide services and functionalities for users.

We use two types of cookie on v-Consult:

  1. cookies that we need to put on your device for v-Consult to work ("strictly necessary cookies")
  2. optional analytic cookies to collect information about how v-Consult is used to help us improve it (sometimes referred to as "performance cookies")

We ask you to accept our cookies policy when you accept the v-Consult terms of use and privacy policy. In doing so, you agree to let us put the strictly necessary cookies on your device.

The first time you log in we also offer you the choice of accepting or declining the optional analytic cookies that help us improve its performance.


If you're using a public computer, make sure you:

  1. log out of your account
  2. delete any health record documents you may have downloaded
  3. delete any cookies from the web browser

The strictly necessary cookies we need to put on your device for the NHS App to work are:

Name Purpose Expires
Rc::a Used to track and analyse user behaviour to distinguish humans from bots or automated software When you close the app or browser window or sign out

These cookies are used to enhance the performance and functionality of v-Consult but are non-essential to their use. However, without these cookies, certain functionality (like videos) may become unavailable.

Name Purpose Expires
XSRF-TOKEN This cookie is written to help with site security in preventing Cross-site Request Forgery attacks 2 hours

Your cookie choices

The majority of devices and browsers will allow you to alter the settings used for cookies and disable and enable them as you require.

You can select your cookie preferences so that you do not get any cookies (except strictly necessary cookies) if you prefer not to receive them.

You can also delete the cookies already on your device, and you can set your browser or device to prevent them being placed.

Please be aware that if you set your preferences to not allow cookies, it could limit the functionality of v-Consult as it needs the strictly necessary ones to function.

Changes to this cookie policy

v-Consult terms of use, privacy policy and cookies policy may change. We'll inform you and request your continued agreement if we make any significant changes to these terms of use or policies.

Version history

Version 1.0, 24 May 2024 – First version of the cookies policy